'Life Skills' refers to the skills you need
to make the most out of life. Build your
life skills creatively!"
Creative Cactus Life Skills trhough Art

Life skills and disabilty go hand in hand. Many people with a disability find that their life skills are altered or underdeveloped and require assistance in this area. Unicef describes life skills as “a group of psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and cope with and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner. Life skills may be directed toward personal actions or actions toward others. Life Skills also includes physical functional skills like fine motor, gross motor and strength. Life Skills can include community partication and engagement alsongside tailored creative sessions.
Working with children, youth, adults and aged, we meet with you to gather information on which life skills need some focus.
We can obtain - with your permission information from your assisting therapists - for example your Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist etc.
We then outline the life skill or skills that will be the focus of your sessions.
From here you get to select creative sessions that reflect that life skill.
We can also assist with community participation activities and engagement.
Creative Sessions are tailor made just for you! These are based on the life skill and your interests. Along side community engagement and participation we have a range of session activities.
What are the most popular ideas?
Bongo Drumming
Earring Making
Copy Me - Canvas Painting
Photography in Nature
Rug Weaving
Clay Creations
Meditation Colouring
Serenity Garden in a Pot
Unlocking Emotions Artisically
Moving to Music
Rock Painting
Charcoal Drawing
Scarf Knitting
Board Games for cognition
Multi-Media Design/Blog
And much more!