'Life Skills' refers to the skills you need
to make the most out of life. Build your
life skills creatively!"
Creative Cactus Life Skills trhough Art


Assessment is such a formal word. Think of it as a chat where we aim to find out what your needs are and how we can assist. This will link in with your NDIS plan and other assistive therapists. Sessions may aim to improve communication, cognition, function, physical capacity, aide in stress and pain relief. Assessments usually take 1.5 hours. Use the contact form to arrange an assessment.

Now the fun part! This is where you get to choose artistic therapy style options that link in with your assessment. Do you like photography, knitting, earring making, painting on canvas, music, drumming, colouring or sketcching whilst exploring your health and improving your life skills through art? Sessions are usually 45 minutes. There are some session ideas here.

Creative Cactus will travel to you! We bring everything needed to each session and provide revision notes which is important not only for personal growth but for NDIS requirements and reviews. Information on the process and how it works click here.